Imagine coming home with a newborn baby and having zero dollars in your bank account. On one hand, Tara Jones-Williamson was a new mom. On the other hand, she was at her lowest point financially. That’s when she knew she had to make a change. Over the next two years,...
Woot Woot! It’s the 2nd anniversary of The Purpose of Money Podcast and I have a huge announcement to make. In this episode, you’ll learn about my 2022 goals, the courses I am teaching exclusively for She Can Work–a School for Women, and how you can...
Dr. Clementine “Clem” Affana is a Remote Work Expert. She’s been a freelancer and remote worker for over the past nine years. No time to listen now? Pin this episode for later. On her platform, Travel with Clem, Dr. Clem teaches busy professionals...
Krisstina Wise is a self-made millionaire who almost lost her life in 2013. She went from being one of the most influential real estate leaders in the country to fighting for her life. Today, Krisstina is the Founder of Wealthy Wellthy and Creator of The Sovereignty...
Money Maven Shaniqua Nicole is a serial entrepreneur, mom, mentor, and wealth strategist on a mission to change the face of wealth. During her successful corporate career on Wall Street, she amassed six figures in savings but came to realize an increasing disparity...
This post may contain affiliate links. After David Edey’s parents died, it took seven years, 10 court appearances, and $50,000 in legal fees to settle his parents’ estate. And they had a will! David Edey is a Certified Executor Advisor who has worked in the...