Sophal Pettit, was a young child when the Pol Pot revolution took over Cambodia. She and her family are survivors of the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Sophal’s touching story will grip you, as she talks about the struggles of surviving the isolation and...
Athena Lent lost her mother in high school and became a homeless teen. Fortunately, a family member inspired her to go to college, get an education, and turn her life around. Today, Athena is fighting the good fight to bring financial education to people who look like...
This week we are celebrating a lot of firsts–my family’s first trip to Belize, the first Madam Vice President, and The Purpose of Money Podcast’s anniversary. Listen to find out what it’s like to travel during the pandemic, what’s...
Is it time for a career break? Listen to this episode to learn how to take a break in your career and return to work whenever you’re ready. Katrina McGhee saved $40,000 in 18 months, which allowed her to take two career breaks and travel the world before she...
Dana Bartulovich and her cofounder Ernest Pereira created the app DebtGo to teach people financial literacy. They also give you chances to win cash to pay down debt. Check out this episode to learn more about their app and how they are changing lives 30 seconds at a...
Millennial Wealth Builders Series Episode 1 Listen on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Podbean Danielle Desir 0:11 Co-hosted by Acquania Escarne, the host of The Purpose of Money and Danielle Desir, the host of The Thought Card, Millennial Wealth Builders...