Kari Heron is a world-renowned chef, content queen, and lifestyle consultant. Through her platform Chef and Steward, she brings good food, wellness, and a lifestyle brand to everyone across the globe. Currently living in Aruba, Kari, has lived in several countries and...
Jannese Torres Rodriguez, the host of Yo Quiero Dinero Podcast, is a nationally acclaimed Latina money educator and writer. In just a few years, Jannese transformed her food blog, Delish D’Lites, into a six-figure business. Listen to learn how she did it and...
Dr. Renee Matthews is a leader in the healthcare industry. Her show “Out of Office with Dr. Renee” is seen in 45,000 Doctors’ offices and Walgreens across the country. Dr. Renee spent the early part of her career as a medical educator and radio host for a satellite...
Hope Wiseman, the CEO of Mary & Main, is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and cannabis industry trailblazer. At the age of 25, Hope established Mary & Main in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Making Hope the youngest, Black female cannabis dispensary...
Rachel Hernandez, the creator of Adventures in Mobile Homes, started her wealth journey finding single-family homes for real estate investors and then started investing in them herself. After experiencing burnout from being a landlord, Rachel dived into mobile home...
Kishanna Heyward is the author of Credit Is King, Kareem and Credit Is Queen, Charlene, coloring and fun activity books that teach kids about credit. She’s also a wife, mom, and real estate investor. In this episode, Kishanna shares how to teach kids financial...