Sarah St. John is a frugal entrepreneur who has coined the phrase “Frugalpreneur.” She’s running several businesses on a budget. In this episode, Sarah shares some of her money-saving tips and tools to running a podcast, production company, and more at the same time. 

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In this episode you will learn:

  • How to run a business for $100 a month
  • All about Sarah St. John’s books for aspiring entrepreneurs
  • How to avoid the shiny object syndrome while building a business
  • Tips for making a course, and more

Sarah St. John 0:00

The idea for Frugalprenuer just started from my own goal of maintaining a business on a budget. Basically, I tried to run all my businesses for under a grand total of like $100 a month. And that's why I switched to an online business model because that's much more feasible and attainable.

Acquania Escarne 0:27

You are listening to the Purpose of Money Podcast, a podcast where we talk about ways to build wealth and create more freedom in your life today. I am your host, Acquania Escarne.

Hey, guys, welcome back to the Purpose of Money Podcast Today, I'm super excited. We have special guests, Sarah St. John. She is an entrepreneur, podcaster,author, animal lover and world traveler. She's created several startups through her entrepreneur career over a decade. Through her books, blog, and podcast, her goal is to show people how to launch and manage an online business on a tight budget. Sarah, welcome to the show. Thank you for joining us today.

Sarah St. John 1:12

Thanks so much for having me. I'm glad to be here.

Acquania Escarne 1:15

This is awesome. I have not had a frugal entrepreneur on my show before. That's one of the names I saw you also go by on your website. How did you come to have that name?

Sarah St. John 1:27

Yeah, so actually, it's a story. So like back in 2008, I had six different jobs that year. And not at the same time, but over the course of the year, and realized that I wanted to be my own boss and have my own business. So I started a photography business. But I realized that while I like taking photos of architecture, landscapes and animals, I didn't like taking photos of people. But that's where the money was. I was doing weddings and portraits. But the bigger issue actually was the expense to maintain equipment and all that. So then I decided to switch to an online business model. But I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. So I tried a bunch of different things like drop shipping, affiliate marketing, blogging, and through the course of that process, I discovered all these free or really affordable tools to use to manage an online business on a budget. So then I got the idea to write a book called Frugalprenuer that kind of goes over the different types of online business models and the different tools and software to run them affordably. And and then while I was writing the book, I got the idea to start a podcast to coincide with it as an extra marketing tactic, I guess. It was just going to be 10 episodes or something. But I was getting more traction and leverage from the podcast than the book. And so I've kept the podcast up and love the connections I'm making with that. And it's also called Frugalprenuer. But yeah, so the idea for Frugalprenuer just started from my own goal of maintaining a business on a budget. Basically, I tried to run all my businesses for under a grand total of like $100 a month. And that's why I switched to an online business model, because that's much more feasible and attainable than a photography business, for example, or any kind of retail or brick and mortar type of business. And yeah, I just through the podcast and book, I just try to show people the ways that they can make money online and do it affordably.

Acquania Escarne 3:39

I love that. So are you doing a lot of bootstrapping? For those that don't know, that's a term where you utilize your network or your resources, and hoping that they will help you to provide some of the things you need without having to pay for them yourself or to have them yourself. Is that one of your tactics to make it affordable online business launch?

Sarah St. John 4:03

Yeah, actually, when I started the podcast and really got into that now I'm all in on podcasting, because I'm editing my own shows, and people were complimenting me on that. And so I decided when I get paid to do it for other people, if I enjoy doing it myself, so I created a podcast production agency, and then I decided to create- and that's But then I created a resource directory called podcast ResourceDirectory.comwhich is basically... because when I was starting out podcasting, at least at that time, there wasn't a place really to go to see all the different podcasting resources and whatnot. I think there are other sites like that now, but so one way that I was able to get some tools that I use for basically free was so I created this website and I contacted several different podcast related companies like Hosting and Audiograms and all those different things and told them about the site and offered to, you know, feature them on the site in exchange for free service, basically, because I was already using, I was using Squadcast and Repurpose and Captivate and all these different things. And so a lot of them were cool with that and agreed to it. So now they're featured on the site for, but then I get their services for free, basically, at least for a lot of them were like, "We'll try it out for a year and then reevaluate" type thing, depending on how much traffic they get from the site. But yeah, so I've been able to save I think, like at least $60 a month from that. So yeah, just finding different unique ways to bootstrap, like you said, even exchanging services or networking, like you said, there's just so many ways and opportunities out there to be a Frugalprenuer I guess.

Acquania Escarne 6:06

I love that. Thank you. And so now, everyone loves when businesses going, and they're having success. But what are some of the challenges that you faced when you first started out?

Sarah St. John 6:18

I would say a big challenge was just not knowing what I wanted to do. So I tried a million different things. And so it took probably a decade to finally figure out what I wanted to do permanently. So that was a challenge. And I think along those lines is shiny object syndrome. And I think a lot of entrepreneurs have that where you either get bored with what you're doing, or you think of another idea. And you're like, "Oh, that sounds good. Let me try that." And so then you end up with a million different things going on. And you're spread thin and not focusing. You're focusing like 20% on this thing, and 20% on that thing versus 100% on one thing. And so finally, now that I found podcasting, granted, I'm doing a few different things within podcasting, like having my own show, the podcast production agency, the directory, all that stuff. But it's still within podcasting in general. And that was definitely a challenge that I had was just niching down to one thing.

Acquania Escarne 7:22

Guilty as charged, I have 10 million things going on. And I'm always coming up with new ideas. So one thing I've done to make a solution to that it's not a problem-distractions, is to have a journal where I write down my ideas, and then I kind of penciled them in for later and really try to get back to what I was working on. But it's so hard because I'm thinking of things all the time. And I'm constantly like, "Oh, that would be a great idea. I want to do that. I want to do that too. Oh, wait." So I understand what you're saying. And I hope that someone who's in the same position, and I'll be honest, it's me too, that you can take heed to that advice and focus on niching down. So what is it that you're actually doing now to help others? I noticed, for example, on your website, you are launching a course soon? Who is that course for? And what can you get out of it once it's released?

Sarah St. John 8:22

Yeah, so it's called Podcast Profit Pro. And basically, it does cover some basics. So it can be for the beginner basics as far as talking about hosting and editing and audio, just all the different beginner steps basically for creating a podcast. But I think the main thing that it's really going to focus on and this will be good for people who are even experienced with podcasting is like guesting and hosting and different tips and tricks for both of those. And what makes a good show, what types of questions to ask, how to get on other shows and how to leverage that connection and audience and things like that, how to monetize a podcast or help it grow your business. So those will be the primary focuses. It'll cover the basics for those who are just starting out. But the main focus will be on just more technique and connections and networking.

Acquania Escarne 9:26

Pretty awesome. I am always inspired by those who create courses because I think it's one-really awesome that you are taking your knowledge and expertise and putting it in a digestible way that people can follow and also implement their own ideas. But I also think it's a great way for entrepreneurs to create additional income and not have to physically be present every single time a customer purchases. You put it online, it's digital content, and they can buy and listen whenever they want. So that's like a great passive income stream after you've taken the time to create it. How long did it take you to create your course?

Sarah St. John 10:06

So I'm so working on it, the outline and modules all that's figured out. And I've started to record some things and create PDFs and checklists and things of that nature. This is my first course. And I was under the impression that you need to have your course completed and out there before marketing and selling it. But after listening to podcasts about online courses, I kept hearing them say, "You should do it as like a pre sale, first validate the idea and discount it with a pre sale. And if no one's willing to pay the discounted price, then it just saves you a bunch of time." Because basically, what they're saying is to avoid spending all this time creating a course and then what if nobody buys it? So that was some great insight. And so that's what I'm doing now. I have it up for pre sale with like, over an 80% discount of what it will be. And and then that way you can generate income while you're making it. And you won't feel like "Oh, am I doing this for nothing type of thing."

Acquania Escarne 11:10

So that's really good advice, though. A lot of people do it the opposite way. They spend the time they make the investment. And then they realize this is not what people want or need. And they end up not selling it. So I think what you just explained is really helpful for entrepreneurs to understand or aspiring entrepreneurs to understand, because you want to validate that what you are presenting is needed. And I love the discount offer because it gives people entry without the high ticket price. And you also like you said, have the income to validate it's a good idea, but also maybe even to pay for the expenses you need to cover to finish the course. So I really like that idea. And I think I'll take that out of your book and put it into mine and do it for myself when I get ready to launch my course. The name of the podcast is The Purpose of Money Podcast. So I asked all my guests this question, what is your purpose for money?

Sarah St. John 12:12

So my you know, primary purpose is just to make enough to live off of that's the first thing. And then anything beyond that I have, I love to travel. I usually try to travel once or twice a year. But I would like to do more of that when we can all technically we can travel now but and so I would like to travel more and things like that. But then I would like to give out money as well. Like whether that's donating to different organizations or just when you see a homeless person on the street or you're at a restaurant, you want to tip more than you want to leave a $20 or $100 tip maybe someday, just things like that. I think that's lately really been like speaking to me. I think covering your basics, because I'm not like "Oh, I need to have a bunch of cars and a big old house and all that kind of stuff." I already have a house it's 1500 square feet, good enough. And I have a car 2016 Kia, it does the job. They don't feel like I need all that stuff. They want to do like travel and whatnot and then beyond that help other people basically.

Acquania Escarne 13:27

I love that answer and it's probably one of my most honest ones because the reality for you is you want to do more but you want to cover your basics and I think that's what everyone also wants to do but they're never they're afraid to say it and I'm like you it doesn't have to be a huge goal. It could just be comfort or happiness or giving so I love that answer. Thank you so much.

So before we leave today I want to make sure that my listeners have a way to get in touch with you. Please drop your website and all your social media handles so they know how to find you.

Sarah St. John 14:03

Sure I actually have three books and I give them out for free the PDF version at and that's Sarah with an H and then S-T-J-O-H-N. and then I'm on social media everywhere @TheSarahSt.John and then let's see and then my podcast production agency is and then of course the course coming out you can find a link to that on my website which would be Yeah, and I'm on clubhouse now. So if anyone and that's @SarahSt.John I got in early enough to where I didn't have to put the on the front which I'm not a big fan of but...

Acquania Escarne 14:50

Awesome. You can catch me on clubhouse too @PurposeofMoney. I love Clubhouse. Great way to have honest conversations with strangers all over the world. And talk about topics that are most important to you and super fun. So on Clubhouse, do you focus on podcasting? Or do you talk about anything that tickles you?

Sarah St. John 15:10

So I actually just got in a week ago. I was like I was on the waiting list for, I don't know, a few weeks, maybe I'm probably not quite a month in cuz you need an invite code to get in. And so I was finally someone was able to give me one. So I haven't started a room yet. But so I've just been like checking it out and getting familiar with it and going to different rooms. So I've been going to rooms specific to podcasting or just entrepreneurship in general. But yeah, I'm, most of the time that I listen to it, it's when I'm in bed about fall asleep. Because I listen to podcasts during the day, and then I do Clubhouse at night. So I haven't really participated yet other than listening. But I, that's I think in the next week or two, I'm trying to think of a room to start and have a few ideas there.

Acquania Escarne 16:04

So here's a tip. Take one of the modules in your course and do that. And see how many people come in and talk about that. And then you can pitch your course. I actually bought a course because someone started a room about a topic that interested me. And then in the room, they pitch their course and I bought it. Use knowledge about your course, also stay on topic that you know, and get some more people interested out there. So good luck! Welcome to Clubhouse! It's super awesome. I've had quite a few conversations there. And they're having a summit soon. So there's a lot going on a great way to come together with other people. So I hope you enjoy the platform.

Thank you so much Sarah for being on the show. Don't worry guys. I will include all her links in the show notes so you can find her website, her course and her books for free. Thanks again for listening to the Purpose of Money Podcast. Until we meet again, keep building generational wealth.

Thank you for listening to The Purpose of Money Podcast. For more resources and information, check out my website, and while you're there, please sign up for our newsletter so you have the latest information on new episodes and blog posts. Until next time, keep creating freedom in your life today.

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For more Frugal Entrepreneur tips check out Sarah’s books:

  • Podcastpreneur: How to Produce, Promote, and Profit With A Podcast (Preneur Series)
  • Frugalpreneur: How To Launch, Manage and Market Your Online Business For Under $100 Per Month. (Preneur Series)

Connect with Sarah St. John


Frugalpreneur Podcast


Her Course: 3 Key Reasons Why and How a Podcast Grows Your Business

If you are a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur check out these other resources The Purpose of Money blog. Here are five reasons to start a business with your spouse, tips to start your freelance business in 30 days, and five ways to invest in yourself and make money.

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Hi, I’m Acquania! I am a Wealth Strategist and my mission for The Purpose of Money is to help women build generational wealth one dollar at a time. If you need help with your finances or want a free consultation, contact me today.