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Your background, your experiences, or your beliefs about money don’t have to define you. 

You can fix your relationship with money.

Look at me. 

My mom was a single mom. All my life, my mom was an entrepreneur who tried several businesses, from selling ATMs to life insurance. When money was tight, my mother worked part-time as an accountant to ensure she could pay all our bills. She’d do anything to make sure her family had what we needed to survive. 

I truly admired my mom’s grit, but she worked so hard to make ends meet.

I knew from an early age that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I would do things differently, and I started my path to wealth at 16 years old. 

Everyone has a money story and here’s mine.

How My Relationship With Money Started

My mom and I would experience days of abundance and days of struggle. It always depended on how much money her business made that month. 

Yet, my mom did a special thing for me when I was five years old. She took me to the bank and helped me cash checks I got for my birthday. Instead of getting the cash and going shopping, my mom encouraged me to open my first bank account. 

I had the biggest smile on my face. I was so proud to walk into my local bank and have money that was mine. 

The bank teller explained the value of the checks and congratulated me on my big decision to keep my money in a bank. That’s when I learned about saving a portion of what I earned or received as gifts. 

From a young age, I didn’t want to just make it financially. 

How I Changed My Relationship with Money

I am lucky to have such an amazing dad. For my 16th birthday, my father bought me Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Reading this book changed my life and helped me learn a few things about myself. 

After reading that book, I knew I didn’t want to work forever. And secondly, I needed to be intentional about my finances if I wanted to build real wealth. 

That’s why at 16 years old, with my first check from a retail job, I started saving for retirement. A $252 paycheck became my first step to building a 7 figure portfolio of stocks, investments, and real estate. 

See, if I can change my relationship with money, you can fix your relationship with money too.

It’s Not Your Fault You Have a Poor Relationship with Money

It is prevalent for people raised in an environment where money was tight to have feelings and beliefs about money that don’t serve them today. 

A woman’s mindset towards money could be a result of many factors. How you were raised, whether or not you had not enough money or too much, and what you were told about money all affect your relationship with money. 

Society has also impacted women’s relationships with money for decades. Can you believe women couldn’t open bank accounts without a man until the 1960s and couldn’t get a bank loan without a male co-signer until the 1970s?

Plus, women are still fighting for equal pay, and black women make 63 cents to every dollar their white male colleagues make. So, no judgment if you need time to catch up!

Now is your chance to rewrite your money story and change your future. No matter what your past entailed you can fix your relationship with money.

I recently partnered with She Can Work, an online school that teaches women to build and maintain wealth. We help women achieve their long and short-term financial goals and impact the future through their legacy. 

We officially launch in January 2022! I can’t wait! 

I’ll be teaching a few courses on this platform. My focus will be on helping women navigate life insurance, budgeting, and setting smart goals. 

But that’s just the beginning. 

How to Change Your Money Story

The founder and CEO of She Can Work, Tiara Abu, is a BIG thinker. She Can Work is empowered with a dynamic mission. We are going to change the trajectory of thousands if not millions of women worldwide. 

We just launched our flagship course, Writing a New Money Story

In this course, you can finally discover what’s been impacting your relationship with money. Now you can get a guide to help you change your money mindset and fix your relationship with money.

Plus, this course will inspire you to set goals and help you write a new money story.

Take control of your finances and your future. Take this course and develop new beliefs and a knock-out relationship with money. 

What’s in Writing a New Money Story

Writing a New Money Story is a five-chapter online course that will help you identify the money stories you’ve been carrying throughout your life. Understanding your past will help you form a more empowered relationship with money, create clear goals to grow wealth, and step confidently into the role of being the financial author of your life.

In chapter one, you’ll learn how to connect to your money story. Knowing your money story will help you unpack and learn how to get in touch with your past money habits, mindsets, and beliefs. Then you can begin to capture and pinpoint the origin of your money thoughts, habits, and beliefs. 

The second thing you’re going to get into in chapter two is an understanding of the systemic factors that have contributed to your money story as a woman, and understand some of the barriers that you may have faced or that generations before you may have encountered.  

I bet you didn’t even realize events from previous generations could impact your money and finances too. 

Third, in chapter three, you’re going to dig into hard things. However, this course will show you that you can do hard things. You can change your money situation for the better. And in chapter four, you’re going to start to talk about the hard stuff standing in your way and blocking your future blessings. 

Lastly, in chapter five, you’ll learn how to ask for help. You don’t have to write your money story or build wealth alone. We do not have to be superwomen—so many people can help you on this journey, including me. 

Take all of your dreams, goals, and thoughts and turn them into business, personal or financial achievements. Use this course to help you accomplish a better financial future. 

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Bookmark this article and share this course with women you know. Let’s build a better future and rewrite our money stories together. 

Check out Writing a New Money Story, and let me know what you think in the comments below. 

If you liked this article check out other content on The Purpose of Money.